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Camp Fire at Night




The CAMP Outreach Committee was a group of nine residents appointed by the City Council in January 2020.  The Committee was sunset in December 2023.

Roster: Dawn Argula, Steve Dunbar, Jill Farrell, Mark Palajac, Chair Neal Pann, Steve Stamos,  Vice Chair Jennifer Yeamans


The mission of this committee is to provide advice and direction on educating and engaging the community in decisions related to the short- and long-term maintenance of the City's infrastructure.  Members also serve as ambassadors, helping to extend the reach and effectiveness of this public outreach campaign. These residents have volunteered their time to help understand the challenges facing the City and to offer input on how we can best overcome these issues. 

Rules of Procedure

Notebook & Pad


The CAMP Outreach Committee meets on an as-needed basis.  The public is encouraged to participate.

July 20, 2016 - Kickoff Meeting

August 15, 2016 - Introduction to City Infrastructure

September 19, 2016 - Facilities

October 17, 2016 -Building Management System

December 5, 2016 - Walls

February 9, 2017 - Sidewalks, Ramps and Trees

March 20, 2017 - Public Education and Outreach

April 17, 2017 - Parks and Trails

May 15, 2017 - Traffic Signs, Traffic Signals and Street Lights

June 19, 2017 - Asset Management Financials/Landscape

July 17, 2017 - Storm Drains and Waterways/Fleet Replacement Program

August 21, 2017 - Public Engagement Core Concepts

September 18, 2017 - Asset Management Program for Water and Sewer

October 16, 2017 - Review of Buildings

November 16, 2017 - Financial Overview of Assets/Future Policy Recommendations

January 24, 2018 - Forced Ranking of Asset Classes

March 19, 2018 - Sidewalk Policy Options

April 16, 2018 - Update on Sidewalk Policy/Wall Policy Recommendations

June 18, 2018 - Asset Management Update

October 15, 2018 - Sidewalk Policy Action/Asset Management Program Funding

January 29, 2019 - Sidewalks and Street Trees

March 27, 2019 - Special Meeting - Sidewalks and Street Trees

October 30, 2019 - Stormwater Update

February 5, 2020 - CAMP Outreach Kickoff

February 12, 2020 -Asset Management Outreach Program

August 26, 2020 - Asset Management Outreach Program Update

October 28, 2020- Asset Management Outreach Program Update

February 24, 2021 - Asset Management Outreach Program Update

May 5, 2021 - Asset Management Outreach Program Update

June 23, 2021 - Workshop -CAMP Outreach Committee and CAP Advisory Committee

June 29, 2021 - CAMP Outreach Committee Program Update

September 1, 2021 - CAMP Outreach Committee Fact Sheet Review

December 6, 2021 - Asset Management Outreach Program Update

March 9, 2022 - Asset Management Outreach Program Update

June 22, 2022 - Asset Management Outreach Program Update

January 25, 2023 - Asset Management Outreach Program Update

June 28, 2023 - Asset Management Outreach Program Update

August 23, 2023 - Asset Management Outreach Program Update

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